St Mary Medical Centre welcomes Year 4 Medical Students from Monash University who complete their GP placement with us. There may be times that you will be asked for consent for the presence of a third party (Medical Student) during your consultation. You will be notified by Reception on each occasion and your consent will be obtained if you wish.
We pride ourselves on being involved in the training, education and development of future medical personnel through this program.
There is no obligation for you to consent to having a medical student present during your visit.
Please speak with Reception should you not wish for this to occur.
St Mary Medical Centre also has an affiliation with the Chisholm / Latrobe Partnership. Through this partnership Nursing students complete their community based placements in the clinic. Nursing students are mentored by a clinic nurse and will generally be shadowing one of our friendly nurses in the treatment room. Consent is obtained on each occasion prior to a student performing a service to any patient. At all times this is done under the direct guidance of a doctor or experienced nurse.
Depending on the nature of your visit you may at times require another person to be present during your consultation. This can include: a case worker, a carer, an interpreter or a chaperone. Our medical team will confirm you consent for any third party presence during your consultation. This will also be documented.