Home visits are available for patients of the clinic who live within a reasonable distance of the practice and have a medical condition that prevents them attending the practice.
Private fees are applicable to home visits & are payable on the day. There is a partial rebate from Medicare.
Our Practice is open weekdays from 9am – 10pm and 9am – 5pm on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. We are closed Christmas Day.
If you require a doctor to come to your home you can contact
The Home Visiting Doctor Service on 13SICK
Other contacts include:
Nurse-on-Call on 1300 60 60 24
For urgent matters:
Call 000 for an Ambulance.
OR attend
Frankston Hospital – Emergency Department
Hastings Road, Frankston VIC 3199
(03) 9784 7777
Alternatively, if you are a patient of this practice that requires immediate, non-urgent after-hours care, you can call our designated after hours’ number on 0447557066.