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Opening Hours:

9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Sat
Closed   – Sunday
9.00am – 5.00pm Public Holidays

Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health

One in five Australians will experience a mental illness or serious mood disorder during their lives.

Early help for a mental health issues can make a big difference. If you’re finding feelings of anxiety, distress, sadness or other feelings difficult to overcome, or if emotional or behavioural problems significantly disrupt your life, you can get help from your doctor.
If you need non-urgent help, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Doctors play a key role in managing mental health problems. They can provide assessment and treatment for many common problems, such as depression and anxiety, and can provide referrals to mental health professionals if needed.

For more information

  • Mental Health Australia– Is a national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector and committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians
  • Mental Health Victoria– Is an organisation that works to deepen understanding of the importance of mental wellbeing. Educating the community about available treatment options for mental illness.

For help

If you’re experiencing a personal crisis help is available.


13 11 14

Suicide Helpline

1300 651 251

Frankston C.A.T Team

1300 792 977

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Centre

1800 015 188

Men’s Line

1300 789 978

Beyond Blue

1300 22 4636

Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800

If your life is in danger, please call 000

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